Raphinha, Booing Maguire, Bielsa's Marble Bucket, Harry Koch, German Porn and the Argos catalogue, Josh Warrington, 5 subs, KP, Bamford, Bill's heroics and much much more..
with the Prince of Darkness Big Mac @EwanMetcalf, Barney from the internet @BarneyLUFC21 and @theadelites Adonis
Barney from the internet, the Warden of the North Sam Ward, PRince of Darkness Machiavelli Ewan Metcalf and The Adelites Adonis are back to...
We interviewed David Wetherall and we discussed: Scoring against the scum, relegating Wimbledon keeping Bradford up sending Leeds to the Champions League and Liverpool...
This week we're joined by Kieran Maguire from The Price of Football as we discuss.. The Price of Leeds United: How much is the...