We discuss: Winning in London, The Alioski situation, Frank Worthington, Get Your Stats Out For The Lads, Ups and Downs, England, and our main topic: Your stories from the late, great Peter Lorimer.
Guest stories from: Leigh Nicholson @LeighNicholson, Dave Simpson @DaveSimpson, Tom Sparke @SparkeFace & Simon Harrow @SimonJH
GIVEAWAY: Each Month we giveaway an A3 Print of The Adelites artwork, you must be a subscriber on YouTube to win, simply subscribe and comment on any video! Good Luck.
THE ROARING PEACOCK: The Roaring Peacock podcast discusses Leeds United Football Club, 3 average guys, one normal podcast. In a world choc-full of LUFC podcasts, we stand out as being decidedly mediocre. The Roaring Peacock podcast was voted the 675th best Leeds United podcast by a couple of drunk guys at The Duncan.
SOCIALS: You can follow us on twitter (@theroaringpeacock), facebook (@theroaringpeacock), instagram (@theadelites), on your favourite podcast player, on Twitch (TheRoaringPeakoch) but not on the street, don't follow us there, don't do that.
YOUR HOSTS: The Roaring Peacock Main Cast this week is: Adonis @theadelites, Ewan @EwanMetcalf, Ross @RossBell1984 and Stats (Andrew Dalton) @LUFCStats FOLLOW THE GUYS ON TWITTER
THANKS: Our stats come from @lufcstats, @lufcdata, @FocusOnLeeds and @leedsutdacademy Our music comes from The Light Show @TheLightShow2 Special Thanks to all the Peacock and all our Family and Friends.
Special Thanks to: Alex @Riotbadger, Ellie May @ellufc and Tom Sparke @sparkeface for the footage and comic
The boys are back to discuss Marsch's pragmatism at Palace, we look ahead to an easy win v Man city, impact injuries, Big Mac...
BONUS: Matt Heath interview. We discuss:Dennis Wise, relegation, Minus 15 points and much more. GIVEAWAY: Each Month we giveaway an A3 Print of The...
We discuss.. The REAL reason Bielsa has stayed with us the longest, Raphinha being almost as good as Adryan, Jackie Haradona 30 yard net...